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The Future of Triathlon Training

Alistair and Jonny revolutionised triathlon racing, now they're transforming training.

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Happy Athletes

From all over the world

Outstanding training plan! Despite being on the opposite side of the world from the coaching team, I feel completely supported and guided.


New Caledonia

Being part of such a dynamic community is fantastic, and the training plan has been instrumental in enhancing my performance.



This is a truly smart approach that keeps me fit throughout the year, allowing me to peak for races, perform at my best, and remain injury-free.



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"Breaking Limits"

Introducing individualised
virtual coaching

Embrace the next generation of triathlon training with Brownlee Fitness. Our virtual coaching program harnesses state-of-the-art sports technology to provide personalised guidance, regardless of geographical location, tailored to your experience, ability, and target race distance.


With our 1-2-1 virtual coaching, you'll receive individualised guidance, feedback, and support from our expert triathlon coaches. They'll be there every step of the way to answer your questions, help you perfect your form, and ensure you're on track to achieve your goals.


Our experienced coaches will work with you to create a tailor-made training plan that fits your unique goals, abilities, and schedule. No more generic, one-size-fits-all workouts - it's time for a plan designed specifically for you.


As part of your tailored 1-2-1 coaching plan, your coach will target specific training elements for improvement, like aerodynamics, nutrition, power, speed, and efficiency, to boost your performance.


Harnessing cutting-edge video analysis technology, we will evaluate your run and cycle movements, we even include bike fitting and swimming, to optimise your performance. Our virtual coaching techniques cater to athletes anywhere in the world.

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