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The Brownlee Fitness Team

Best Before ??

We've all heard the myth - once you hit 40, it's all downhill from there.

Supposedly your fitness takes an inevitable nosedive.

You’re constantly injured.

And you may as well resign yourself to nothing more than easy workouts.

But that notion is dead wrong.

The truth is, your potential for fitness has no expiration date.

With the right plan, you can be fitter at 50 than you were at 30.


It’s simple - train smarter, not harder.

While raw strength and power may decline with age, aerobic endurance can continue improving well into your 50s and beyond.

Some of our athletes in the Brownlee Fitness squad are performing better than ever, into their 40s, 50s, and even 60s.

They’re smashing their age group races, and dominating whatever events they’re showing up at.

The key is understanding how your body changes over time.

Recovery takes longer. Injuries do become more likely. And certain types of training prove less effective.

But make a few thoughtful adjustments, and you can thrive at any age.

So maybe dial back the intensity, emphasise technique, allow more rest, and even try a bit more cross training to avoid any injuries caused by repetitive movements.

You want to train with your age in mind, rather than battling against it.

While you might be a little older and (hopefully) a little wiser, you’re still the same driven, motivated athlete on the inside.

And there’s no reason why elements of your performance can’t keep getting better.

Need a hand with that?

Team Brownlee Fitness



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